Fotografus.huAlapítvány a Magyar Fotográfiáért
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Jelölje be a fotográfus nyitóoldalán megjelenő képeket
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Balázs Telek

I was born in Balassagyarmat, Northern Hungary, on 9th May in 1974. I showed interest in different branches of arts quite early. I was nine, when I made my first photo series during my stay in a sanatorium for children. As a secondary school pupil I received high honours on several drawing contests and competitions.
From 1992 I continued my studies with the geography and drawing faculty on Károly Eszterházy Teachers' Training College.
In 1993 I was admitted to the newly founded visual communication faculty.
László Lugosi Lugo, artist of photography, my teacher acquainted me with the camera obscura as photo device in 1994. From that time on I have been more and more interested in the implied possibilities of pinhole camera. During my college years I intensively dealt with painting and music.
In 1996 - in the inner court of the baroque style Liceum building of Eger - I presented my diploma work under the title of "Descending of Celestial Ladders, Giant Parabole"; which mixed the music with painting, light- and motion art so as to activate passive audience.
Together with three of my friends I founded the photo group TEKODEMA (Balázs Telek, Gábor Kóczán, Ádám Demeter, Lajos Major).
From 1998 Tekodema had several exhibitions in Hungary and abroad , which were partly organised by Gromek Photo Gallery. Members of the team were all admitted to Photo Art Studio of Youth
In the May and September program of The Shade Photo Magazine (Hungarian TV2) I introduced some of my self designed cameras and the photos made by them.
In 1999 I won the József Pécsi Photo Art Scholarship of the National Cultural Heritage Ministry for the first time. In this period I made mainly panorama pictures by camera obscura and built cone camera variations.
I held lectures on pinhole camera photography on the International Light Symposium II. in Eger, where I became a founding member of the International Kepes Society.
I led a special photography course for architect students on the Hungarian Technical University In 2000 I participated in an international workshop as a consultant, which was organized for foreign architect students by Hungarian architect students on the territory of Komárom fortress system.
I painted and exhibited oil and acryl pictures in Germany together with my artist brother.
In 2001 I exhibited large cone pictures and photoanamorphosyses as well on the account of the second year scholarship exhibition of József Pécsi Photo Art Scholarship. Since 2001 I have worked together with Bolt Photo Gallery. 
From 2002 I have been teaching in the 'Szellemkép' School of photography.
In 2003 I was admitted to the Association of the Hungarian Photographers.
On 15th March 2005 the Hungarian minister of National Cultural Heritage Ministry awarded me the Balogh Rudolf award.
Lately, I am making panoramic photos with specially constructed large format cameras,as well as so called photoanamorphoses, which I display at special exhibitions.


Scholarship Of Hungarian Republic
Endre Horváth Scholarship
Fine- and Photo Art Competition " TI 150 years old Chain Bridge", photo category award, Budapest
The 9th Fall Exhibition in Szécsény - Award of Balassagyarmat City Government
The 12th Photography Biennial Festival in Esztergom (Camera Obscura) shared main prize (with Enikő Gábor)
The National Cultural Heritage Ministry, József Pécsi Photo Art Scholarship
13th Photography Biennial Festival in Esztergom: award of the Leisure Centre of Eszergom, award for the best classical photo,       Lenox Laser, Maryland (USA)
The National Cultural Program 'Creator' Scholarship
14th Photography Biennial Festival in Esztergom (nude); main award offered by The National Cultural Heritage Ministry
Balogh Rudolf award


Introduction Exhibition of TEKODEMA. Youth House,Eger
JAZZ Gallery, Budafok
MEDIAWAVE, Püspökvár, Győr
Photo month in Pozsony. Hungarian Cultural Centre, Bratislava Slovakia)
Youth- and Leasure Centre, Miskolc
Heimat festival, Freistadt (Austria), House of Hungarian Photographers Budapest
House of Hungarian Photographers, Budapest
'Trafik' Gallery, Budapest
Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Pécs


The collection of 'Bolt' Gallery, French Institute, Budapest
The collection of 'Bolt' Gallery, Montpellier, Galerie - Photo - Montpellier, XXS & XXL, Lion, Galerie Vrais Reves
'Tojásbolt' (Eggshop), Art Gallery, Budapest


2nd National Photo Weeks. St. Stephan Basilica, Budapest (with László Lugosi Lugo)
2nd National Photo Weeks. Trafó Contemporary Arts House, exhibition XXL, Budapest
2nd International Light Symposium. Contemporary Photography, County Arts Centre, Eger
The 12th Photography Biennial Festival in Esztergom, Rondella Gallery, Esztergom
Collection of Bolt Gallery, French Institute, Budapest
The pictures of The 12th Photography Biennial Festival in Esztergom were also exhibited: Hungarian Phototgraphy Museum, Kecskemét
Photo Month, Soave (Italy)
Budapest Gallery, Budapest
House of Hungarian Photographers, exhibition of József Pécsi Photography
Scholarship, title: "Hungarian Look" , Palais Royal, Paris (France)
Exhibition of International Kepes Society, Eger, Budapest, Finland
Breaking the Light  (7 Hungarian photographer) .... (Lithuania); Parnu, (Estonia) Moscow (Russia); Warsaw (Poland)
Breaking the Light, Lisabon (Portugal)
Photo Month in Krakow (Poland)
