Fotografus.huAlapítvány a Magyar Fotográfiáért
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Jelölje be a fotográfus nyitóoldalán megjelenő képeket
nid); //Legfrisebb képek //$pictures = get_latest_pictures($portfolios['childs']); //Kiemeltnek beállított képek /* $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} AS pfi, {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi, {files} AS f, {image_dimensions} AS idim WHERE pfi.photographer_id = %d AND cfpi.nid = pfi.image_nid AND cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid = pfi.image_id AND f.fid = cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid AND idim.fid = cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid ORDER BY pfi.weight", arg(1)); */ $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} AS pfi, {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi WHERE pfi.photographer_id = %d AND cfpi.nid = pfi.image_nid AND cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid = pfi.image_id ORDER BY pfi.weight", arg(1)); while ($row0 = db_fetch_object($res)){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} AS f, {image_dimensions} AS idim WHERE f.fid=%d AND idim.fid=f.fid"; $res0 = db_query($sql, $row0->field_portfolio_image_fid); $row = db_fetch_object($res0); $row->width > $row->height ? $imagecache_preset = 'w100' : $imagecache_preset = 'h100'; if ($row->width > $row->height){ $row->spec_flag ? $imagecache_preset = 'w_spec100' : $imagecache_preset = 'w100'; }else{ $row->spec_flag ? $imagecache_preset = 'h_spec100' : $imagecache_preset = 'h100'; } $padding_left = round((100 - ($row->tn_width)) / 2); $padding_top = round((100 - ($row->tn_height))); if ($user->uid && $_GET['change_order']){ $pictures_html .= '
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Lilla Szász

Born in Budapest, Hungary
Lives in Budapest


1995-2000: Graduated at the University of ELTE in Budapest at the Faculty of Arts at faculty of art history, Russian language and literature


English (Advanced level)
Russian (Advanced level)
French (Intermediate Level)


Working as a freelance photographer


2010: Eötvös Fellowship, New York, ICP

2010: Scholarship of the Hungarian Cultural Fund (For Monica and her family)

2010: Scholarship of the Hungarian Cultural Fund (For the completion of the photo album “Women on the Edge”)

2008: Descubrimientos PHE08 (portfolio review), Complejo El Águila, Madrid

2005: ECB Photography award – Hungary today (third price) 

2003-2006: Scholarship of the Hungarian Cultural Fund

2004-2005: Scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Culture “Pécsi József”, Hungary

2002: Colors Magazine (49) – Travelling (third price) 


2010: Photo Spain (PHE 2010) – Campus for book editing

2009: Photo Spain (PHE 2009) – Campus for book editing

2008: Photo Spain (PHE 2008) – Guillaume Herbaud’s workshop

2007: Photo Spain (PHE 2007) – Sylvia Plachy’s workshop

Professional experience:

2010: Kontakt Courses in Art Photography in cooperation with Mosoly Foundation :photography workshop in Berlin

2010: Kontakt Courses in Art Photography in cooperation with Mosoly Foundation (guest teacher)

2009: Kontakt Courses in Art Photography (guest teacher)

2001-2004: “Magyar Narancs” – photo journalist

Selected one man exhibitions

2008: “Fragments of desire” – Gallery Liget, Budapest

2005: “Golden Age” – Gallery Liget, Budapest

2003: “Portraits at a fair” –Goethe Institute, Budapest

Selected group exhibitions

2011: Contemporary Photography from Hungary, Berlin, Hungarian Embassy (curated by Sári Stenczer, organized by the Mai Manó House of Photography)

2010: Photonic Moments, Slovenia, Ljubljana (curated by Gabriella Csizek)

2010: LIVE SYNC. Contemporary Photography from Hungary, Shanghai World Expo (curated by Sári Stenczer, organized by the Mai Manó House of Photography)

2010: "Laboratory East" Swiss Photo Award (curated by: Horst Kloever, Walter Keller)

2010: Campus PHE Edicion de Libros, Complejo El Aguila, PHE 2010, Madrid

2009: Approach Art Association, Pécs “The sunny side – apprentices of a smile” (curated by Gabriella Csizek)

2009: Powerhouse Arena, “Busted”, New York (curated by Sara Rosen)

2009: Galeria mLodzi, Lodz, “The sunny side – apprentices of a smile” (curated by Gabriella Csizek)

2009: Poznan photo-biennale (photography, ideology, politics), Galeria Miejska, Arsenal (curated by Krzystof Jurecki)

2009: Dunaújváros photo-biennale, Institute of Contemporary Art

2009:  “Present continuous I-IV”, Central European House of Photography, Bratislava (curated by Gabriella Csizek)

2008: “Contemporary Hungarian photography” – (Gabriella Csoszó, Ágnes Eperjesi, Anna Fabricius, Gábor Gerhes, Tibor Gyenis, Antal Jokesz, Gábor Arion Kudász, Gergely László / Péter Rákosi, Dezsö Szabó, Lilla Szász and Lenke Szilágyi) Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna (curated by Zsolt Petrányi and Alexander Tolnay)

2008: “Present continuous” – Mai Manó House of photography, Budapest (curated by Gabriella Csizek)

2008: “Kaunas Photo 08”

2008: “Contemporary Hungarian photography” – (Gabriella Csoszó, Ágnes Eperjesi, Anna Fabricius, Gábor Gerhes, Tibor Gyenis, Antal Jokesz, Gábor Arion Kudász, Gergely László / Péter Rákosi, Dezsö Szabó, Lilla Szász and Lenke Szilágyi)Neuer Berliner Kunstverein  (curated by Zsolt Petrányi and Alexander Tolnay)

2008: “Contemporary Hungarian photography” – (Gabriella Csoszó, Ágnes Eperjesi, Anna Fabricius, Gábor Gerhes, Tibor Gyenis, Antal Jokesz, Gábor Arion Kudász, Gergely László / Péter Rákosi, Dezsö Szabó, Lilla Szász and Lenke Szilágyi)Hallescher Kunstverein (curated by Zsolt Petrányi and Alexander Tolnay)

2008: “Contemporary Hungarian photography” – (Gabriella Csoszó, Ágnes Eperjesi, Anna Fabricius, Gábor Gerhes, Tibor Gyenis, Antal Jokesz, Gábor Arion Kudász, Gergely László / Péter Rákosi, Dezsö Szabó, Lilla Szász and Lenke Szilágyi)Galerie der Stadt Sindelfingen (curated by Zsolt Petrányi and Alexander Tolnay)

2008: “Tracing love 24/7”, Belgrade, gallery “Magacine”

2008: Descubrimientos PHE08, Complejo El Águila, Madrid

Works in collections

Noorderlicht : Pandora’s Box
Mai Manó House, Hungarian House of photography, Budapest
Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Pécs 
Swiss photography foundation (Fotomuseum Winterthur

