András Bozsó
I was born in Veszprém, 1960; I am an autodidact photographer. I was member of the Young Artists’ Studio of Photography between 1988-1991. Since 1991 I have been member of the United Pictures Association. Since 1994 I have been member of the First Artist Group of the Hungarian Photographers’ Association. Between 1992 and 1995 I was holder of the Pécsi József Scholarship. In 1995 I won first prize of the National Photo Biennial. I work in Budapest as an applied photographer. Since 1995 I have been living in Pilisszentlélek.
1988 House of Youth, Kecskemét
1990 Street Gallery, Szombathely
Bercsényi Club, Budapest (Young Artists’ Studio)
1991 Liget Gallery, Budapest
1992 Örökmozgó Cinema, Budapest, (United Pictures Association)
1995 P.S. Shop Gallery, Budapest
1995 Down-Town Shop Gallery, Budapest
1995 Young Artists’ Club, Budapest
1988 Young Hungarian Photo
1989 Photo-Model, Szombathely Gallery, Szombathely
1990 The Fourth (Young Artists’ Studio), Ernst Museum, Budapest
1991 Somogy County Cultural Centre (United Pictures Association)
1993 Camera Obscura, Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kecskemét
1994 Group Photograph (First Artist Group), Vigadó Gallery, Budapest
1995 Photo Biennial of Esztergom, Balassa Museum, Esztergom
1996 Photo Biennial, Ernst Museum, Budapest
1996 NUDES, Liget Gallery, Budapest